Laws? We don’t need no stinkin’ laws...sez Ander. At least no laws for the Washington elite and those we PAY to represent us.
Apparently incapable of independent thought and judgment, Ander, as usual, voted with his party and a bunch of lawless Democrats to support the cover-up of Bush’s illegal spying and to even give the Criminal in Chief expanded powers to eavesdrop on innocent citizens. Included in this gem of legislation was blanket retroactive amnesty for the telecoms who helped Bush spy on us, all without warrants, of course.
Ander hides behind the corrupt Democrats, Jay Rockefeller and Steny Hoyer, to excuse his vote for this piece of crap. I think his meaning is something like – Jay and Steny did it, so I did too. The truth is this bill is not supported by the American people and has no public benefit. It sets a dangerous precedent of a two-tiered justice for the important, well-connected folks, and another for the little guys. So let’s test this theory. Here is Ander’s address. Send in your traffic tickets. Ander should be able and willing to issue a letter excusing them for you.
Jacksonville District Office:
1061 Riverside Avenue
Suite 100
Jacksonville, FL 32204
Main: 904-598-0481
Fax: 904-598-0486 -
Lake City District Office:
212 North Marion Avenue
Suite 209
Lake City, FL 32055
Main: 386-365-3316
Tollfree: 888-755-5607 -
Washington, DC Office:
127 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Main: 202-225-2501
Fax: 202-225-2504